
class BudoMeta

Bases: type

Class level common attributes for all model classes.

  • 'config'

    Class level configuration map (for things not covered by attrs)

    Currently recognized keywords:


    Flag to determine whether instances may have extra data attributes not specified by the class (and its ancestors). Default: False

  • 'attrs' – A map of keywords to customize the ~`attr.attrs` features of the class

  • 'kwargs' – Any other information to be stored in the class


An ~`attr.attrs` wrapped version of the defined class.

Inherited Members

  • mro

static __new__(mcs, cls_name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], namespace: dict[str, Any], *, attrs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, **_kwargs: Any) BudoMeta
__init__(cls_name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], namespace: dict[str, Any], *, attrs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) None
property uuid: UUID

A class level UUID that can be used to generate reproducible Entity IDs.

property metadata: Mapping[str, Any]

Class meta-data. Read-only.

property frozen: bool

Whether or not the class is frozen.